
16-piece experimental jazz fusion

Created by Everett Kelly

Drawing of Everett
Full Band at the Baked Potato

What's New

Garbanzo Beans Art by Dani Torres

SicNarf releases their first single - 'Garbanzo Beans,' 1/30/24

Garbanzo Beans Teaser Video

SicNarf releases their first animated video by Dani Torres, 1/30/24

Poster for the Narf Cracker

SicNarf performs their version of 'The Nutcracker,' 12/7/23

SicNarf at the Baked Potato

SicNarf sells out their first set at the Baked Potato, 10/15/23


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Everett Playing Trumpet


SicNarf's Story

SicNarf is a 16-piece experimental big band created by composer and trumpet player, Everett Kelly. Everett's music combines jazz influences with elements of progressive rock, fusion, and cinematic moments.

SicNarf is inspired by musical artists such as John Daversa, Pat Metheny, Tigran Hamasyan, and Igor Stravinsky, as well as groups like Snarky Puppy, Kneebody, Knower, Mahavishnu Orchestra and many more.

If you're curious what sound like, you can find out at our next show!

SicNarf Members

The Band


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